Monday, September 29, 2008

"Get me chicken..."

Durning breakfast my sweet little Emmiline said to me "Get me chicken, butt hole!" Wow! What did you say? Yeah, she got a long time out. Where did that come from? I don't know. Not from our family. It might have been comical if it was someone elses child, not mine.


Andrea said...

Just picture from me -- UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER!! ... and I'm still laughing hard. That was hilarious. If I was the mom in your shoes, I don't know what I would do, but that was pretty funny to read, Kristal. I got my good laugh for the day - thanks.

My Barratt Family said...

OK OK OK Sorry to say I just about pee'd my pants. That is funny and yes mostly because it isnt my child.

Clark Fam said...

youre, right, it is funny and she's not mine. I can hardley believe that come from sweet little Emmie. haha

hang in there. you are a good mom!

Clark Fam said...

oh, Tyler laughed his butt off