Sunday, March 8, 2009

"If I could I would..."

John and I have been assigned to be on the ward float committee. In Lehi the wards get to make a miniature float for the primary kids; so look for Emmie to star on the float during roundup days for the city. This year the theme is "If I could I would...". Any ideas?


Andrea said...

I don't know... something about a woodchuck :)

Ross is picturing a mountain and someone climbing up it.

Racheal said...

That's fun for you. I've done it before and don't want to do it again. ;)

It's a cute theme- you'd do best to think of something really different-

My first thought was If I could I would fly to the moon- but that might be something everyone would think of. It would be cute to have little aliens running around and astronaunts and a little rocket that jiggles with the float is pushed. That sounds cute.