Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yard day at the in-laws!

I posted a lot of things from the last week, please read for a good laugh. To appolize to my loyal readers I only have time on Sundays to update the blog. Boy, these things can be addicting.

Yesterday was quite a fun day (I am being serious). We had yard day at the in-laws. Each year we (John's family) help get Papa's yard ready for Memorial day barbie-Q (can't spell). Here are some of the highlight from the day.

Yes, this is the love of my life. I just happen to capture a silly moment between daddy and Emmie. I sure laughed really hard at this picture.
Jason was trying to wiggle out of his chair. He was so good all day and I was able to actually help out.

Here is a rare moment for Emmie that she is being sweet without me asking her to be. She was taking a break from sweeping the cement.

Will is helping out cleaning the chairs.

Here is Emmie and Ryann playing in the sand box. Don't let them fool you, they are not as sweet as they look. I am sure that they are plotting something, even as I am typing this or as you are reading this.

He is a early learner, of course mom would say this,but look at him. John let Jason hold his pop for him. I spoiled all of the fun when I told John not to feed him any. Gall, can you believe such a thing?

Emmie cheezing it up for the camera.

Here is Will helping out Dad and Uncle Chris fixing the front porch deck.

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